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By default, SeaMon-API responds with a JSON formatted data, allowing your software developers to integrate the forecasts results into a frontend solution.

However, the raw JSON data have the downside that they do not give the user and developer a quick way to explore the forecast data responses, and initially it can take some work to get started with visualizing and presenting the forecasts. For this reason the SeaMon-API provides some standard views on the data that can help developers explore the SeaMon-API service, and can form a baseline for an initial working solution.

The following views are currently supported depending on API service endpoint:

  • all endpoints:
    • json [ default ] standard REST-API response is a JSON data structure
    • json_explorer the JSON explorer is a HTML view that assists with browsing the JSON data in a tree like structure
  • route/ path/ location/ endpoints:
    • full plots weather forecast time series data and map of route
    • graph plots weather forecast time series data
    • map plots map of route
    • graph_embed an iframe embeddable version of graph view
    • map_embed an iframe embeddable version of map view
    • speak, a human speach engine that returns an audio reading of weather forecast reports - currently only applicable to the new /report service
  • map/ endpoint:
    • image only applicable to /map service data. Renders map data to PNG image.
    • jsonimage only applicable to /map service data. Renders all map data in response to base64 encoded PNG images within the JSON response.