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How to use

SeaMon-API is a REST-ful Application Programming Interface (API), which means that it follows software development standards that make it a suitable component for building larger and more customized applications. Software developers will most likely want to take advantage of the raw weather data provided by SeaMon-API, via standard data markups such as JSON.

SeaMon-API has also been designed to be easily accessible by developers and non-developer, by providing some standard built-in graphical views on the data. We hope that this feature will greatly lessen the learning-curve, helping users to get up and running faster and with less code overhead.

The SeaMon-API standard views can also help to form a basis for futher development by developers. The HTML + javascript view code provided by the service is transparent and open source, and based on popular free and open source libraries such as d3.js, ECharts, metricsgraphics.js and three.js.

The Examples chapter covers some common forecast queries and cases, while detailed documentation of the service and the query syntax is provided in the REST-API chapter.