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Forecast Models

The following forecast models have been tested and can be provided. It's possible to check the current availability of models using the following link:

Note that some models we currently only provide on request, so please contact us if necessary.

Local Area Models

Name Short Name Description Domain Frequency Range Status
IMO IGB igb official weather forecast model for Iceland run by IMO and DMI Iceland /6 hours 3 days operational
IMO Harmonie harm Harmonie weather forecast model for Iceland run by IMO Iceland /6 hours 3 days operational
IMO Harmonie High Resolution harmhr Harmonie 750m weather forecast model for Iceland run by IMO Iceland /6 hours 36 hours operational

Global Forecast Models

Name Short Name Description Frequency Range Status
NCEP Global Forecast System gfs the global deterministic model run by NOAA's National Weather Service at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction /6 hours 16 days on request
NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System gep the global ensemble model run by NOAA's National Weather Service at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction /6 hours 16 days on request
NCEP Global Wave Ensemble System gwes the global ensemble ocean wave model run by NOAA's National Weather Service at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction /6 hours 10 days on request
ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System eps the global ensemble model run by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts /12 hours 15 days trials
ECMWF Ocean Wave Model Ensemble wam the global ensemble ocean wave model run by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts /12 hours 15 days trials