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SDK Overview

The SeaMon-SDK library includes tools that provide language native methods for calling and visualizing forecast data from SeaMon-API web services.

Currently the SDK is only available for development in JavaScript, the language used by client side web applications. However, we would be very happy to develop further SDK support for other programming languages depending on customer needs and requirements.

SDK Setup

To use the JavaScript SDK library, please right-click download the latest release from here:

To include in your project link against the library in the header of your HTML document,

<script src="...path/to/seamon-sdk-min.js"></script>

Optional graphical dependencies

This covers all the REST-API features of the SeaMon-API service. In order to use the* helper methods, you will also need to link against the following options:

  • LeafletJS for any* methods
  • ECharts for any* methods

SDK function overview

The SeaMon-SDK mimics the SeaMon-API endpoint structure as much as possible. The SDK components and graphical tools are summarized in the following tables.

Core functions

SDK component Description
SeaMon.forecast requests weather forecasts along routes
SeaMon.models lists available forecast models and weather parameters
SeaMon.version lists the version id of the SeaMon-API service
SeaMon.saved fetches previously saved forecast results

Graphical tools

SDK component Description forecast data plots for ECharts forecast map plots for Leaflet